
What is b.l.e.s.s.?

We strongly believe that God has the power to radically transform lives, and the way He has chosen to do that is through His people—us!

We use the acronym BLESS to create habits in our lives to reach out to our neighbors and other people God has placed near us. BLESS is an intentional pathway for followers of Jesus to become more like Jesus and join the mission of Jesus.


Be in Prayer

Jesus and others have blessed you through prayer. We can bless others who don’t know Jesus yet by praying for them.


Listen with Care

Jesus and others have listened to your questions, concerns, and fears. We can bless others who are far from God by listening to them with care and compassion.


Eat with Others

Jesus and others have accepted you and invited you to fellowship with them. Let us accept and invite others who don’t know Jesus yet to fellowship with us at our table.


Serve in Love

Jesus and others have served you in ways that impacted you. We can serve others who do not know God in ways that can impact them.


Share your Story

Jesus and others have shared their story with you in ways that have changed you. We can share our story with others so that they may know the life-changing power of Jesus.