Families, individuals, small groups, and Connect Groups, have the privilege of participating in FBC’s Acts 1:8 strategy to impact our local community and global cities with the hope of Christ. Every year, each group has the opportunity to adopt at least one of our church’s Acts 1:8 partners. Please see the following pages for a list of local and global partners.

To adopt a mission partner is to SUPPORT and SERVE that partner.

Here are some simple ways:


Support your adopted partner through prayer, encouragement, and giving.


Commit to pray for the partners and with your partners regularly. Communicate with your partners and discover specific ways you can pray for their needs. Schedule a time when you can meet with your local partner and pray with them. Schedule a time when you can host a virtual call with your global city partner and pray with them.


Be creative about ways you can encourage mission partners and their families. Write them notes filled with Scripture and prayers. Celebrate victories with your mission partners. Visit your adopted partners and let them share how God’s working. Give “just because” gifts and special occasion gifts (birthdays, anniversaries and/or holidays).


- Give: Offer opportunities for your group to give so that others in the group and the church can serve with your adopted partners. Support your adopted partners through promoting the Acts 1:8 Missions Offering and giving sacrificially to the Acts 1:8 Missions Offering throughout the year. You can give directly to your adopted partners anytime online.


Become a “sending” group by creating a culture of giving and going. Cast a vision for sending out all members of your group on mission to serve alongside your adopted partner. Please see the following pages for a list of ongoing opportunities in our local community and in our global cities.