The mission of our Worship Arts Department is to come alongside the mission of the church as a whole: to make disciples. We do that by cultivating a movement of worshipping disciples by creating environments for people to encounter Jesus, engaging and interacting with the people of FBC both on and off the stage, celebrating the things that God is doing in our church, community and world, and by equipping our people to be sent worshippers, no matter where God leads them. We would love to have you join our Worship Arts team!
The 9:30 a.m. Service is led by our Celebration Choir and Orchestra. In this service, you’ll discover a multi-generational, blended worship experience with the First Baptist Choir and Orchestra. We use music from several hundred years of Christian music history...from the greatest hymns of our faith to the latest worship choruses. The criteria for music is biblical, theological and spiritually engaging.
The 11:00 service is worship band-led. Our goal is to create an environment for people to encounter God in a meaningful way, to experience His love and respond in worship through song. If you are interested in being a part of the worship band or vocal team, click on the link below. We’d love to have you join our worship family!
Our Production Team leads worship through the design and implementation of dynamic worship services. The Production Team handles all audio, visual and lighting elements of all services on FBC’s campus. No previous experience needed!