Betsy (2).png

hear how god opened will’s eyes…

How did you come to know Jesus?

Growing up in Christian home, I came to know Christ at quite a young age. I prayed to receive Christ at the age of 10 and was baptized at Cumming FBC by Kyle Connell a few Sunday's later. Through the discipleship I received at home through my parents, at Church through FBC leaders, and most recently at Georgia Southern University through Campus Outreach and the local church I have known Jesus all of my life.

How long have you been a part of FBC Cumming?

When my parents moved to Cumming, GA in 1986, they became members of FBC Cumming and have called this Church their home since then. You could say that I have been a part of FBC Cumming since I was in the womb, but didn't become a member until later when I was baptized.

What ministries are you involved with at FBC?

The past few months, since graduating from GSU last May, I have been involved with the Friends of India missions opportunities (Christmas Caroling and Prayer walking) and also encouraging the London teams that FBC Cumming faithfully supports.

How has First Baptist Cumming impacted your walk with Christ?

First Baptist Cumming has impacted my walk with Christ by walking faithfully with me since the beginning (literally, since my birth)! They have poured into me, discipled me, prayed for me, and loved me for who God made me to be. This Church body is my family and I am grateful for the love they have shown me over these 23 years.

How do you see God working in your life today?

How is God not working? I see Him in everything I do, everywhere I go, and people I meet - even in passing. In the past months, since June 2020, I have seen God move in ways that I never thought possible. My entire financial support goal for this mission to England is $98,000. The only way I am 100% funded is through praying BIG prayers and having a God who loves to answer those BIG prayers! Did I cross some valleys to get there? Most definitely! But, God has been there with me every step of the way holding my hand, showing me mercy and reminding me of His Truth. What a good God we have!