
hear how truth changed betsy’s life…

I grew up in a loving family devoted to the Mormon church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, ‘LDS’).  I found great comfort in this religion that claimed to have the market cornered on truth.  But as I got older, more and more cracks were forming in those truth claims that really exposed the imperfect people behind the ‘prophesy’, hierarchical structure, and rules.   Out of hurt and disappointment, I turned away from religion and rebelled in about every way I knew how. 

After years of searching for meaning in church, and through a web of divine intervening events and interactions, I learned through reading, prayer, and brave and invested teachers that truth lies in 3 things: 

  1. Creation is a clear representation of a Creator 

  1. No matter how hard I try, I mess up 

  1. Our creator God loves us so much he did what I could not, make whole what felt very broken through Jesus Christ 

I’ve chosen to live my life in gratitude for Jesus’s life lived for me. I’ve experienced the promises God records through history for those who follow him: indescribable peace when life is hard, strength when I am weak, wisdom and discernment in decisions. God has filled me with hope. As imperfect as I and others are in church, I now know WHO truth is. 

Since surrendering my life to Jesus Christ, God has provided the path of growth for my family that has included moving across the country to Cumming, GA and finding our church home in First Baptist.  Our church has become our local family, providing opportunities to learn and grow as Christians, build treasured relationships, and offering opportunities to serve.  I’ve been abundantly blessed by every ministry I’ve served in, from missions trips, to teaching (Pre-school, elementary and middle school), to our Orphan ministry that has served foster and adoptive families like mine in meaningful ways.   

God is increasingly growing my faith through His sovereignty and provision.  In saying  yes to His will - often taking me WAY outside my comfort zone - He is showing me that every mistake, every relationship, every blessing, every bible study, every bible fellowship class, every challenge at work and trial with parenting….in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).