How can we serve our community and mission partners?

we can ask these questions …

How’s my “one” doing? This coronavirus season provides an opportunity to remind ourselves about our “ones” that we’re praying for and investing in. Who’s your one? How are you connecting with your one during this season? Click here to find resources to help strengthen your relationship with your one.

How are my neighbors doing? This question is perhaps the most important one right now when it comes to our mission in our context and circumstances. Most of us are confined to our homes in our neighborhoods, but we still have some connection with our neighbors and probably have more opportunities to engage with them than we normally do.

Learn more Ways to Love Your Neighbor During this Pandemic.

Start or facilitate an online Bible study or small group in your neighborhood using Right Now Media.

Prayer walk around your neighborhood. Here’s a brief guide to get you started.

Learn The Art of Neighboring.


We can pray …

How to Pray for our Neighbors

HOPE 15:13 Prayer Guide

20 Prayers to Pray During This Pandemic


we can give …

 Acts 1:8 Missions Offering

  • This offering supports our local community partners and our global city partners. One local partner is The Place of Forsyth County. The Place is partnering with schools in our community to provide food for families in need during this crisis.

  • As our Deacon Benevolence Team receives emergency needs inside and outside our church, they use these funds to provide help and hope for those in need. 


We can Serve …

Serve, donate, and pray for The Place of Forsyth County.

Care for those in your circles who are elderly, immunocompromised, or otherwise vulnerable by:

  • Offering to pick up groceries, medications, and other necessities that would require them to be in public places.

  • Reaching out to them and let them know they aren’t alone and you are praying for them.

  • Send them a card in the mail.

Support the healthcare workers you know by:

  • Sending a text or dropping off a note of encouragement.

  • Delivering a meal to their home or run errands for them while you are out.

  • Offering childcare for their kids while they work and rest. (An enormous number of healthcare workers are single mothers. With numerous school closures, many of them are unable to work—and this at a time when they are needed most! Please use good judgment before offering to care for another’s children. Ensure you are and your household are in good health and meet the criteria the government recommends.

Contact your child’s school to see how vulnerable families are being cared for.

Contact your workplace to see how hourly workers are being cared for.

Give blood: If you are healthy, now is a good time to give.


*Ways “we can serve” were adapted from The Summit Church of Durham, NC webpage.