
hear how god opened Mehrdad’s eyes…

I was raised in a Muslim family. I had no choice but to obey the religion my family raised me with. Growing up, I learned the way to reach God is possible only through following him. I started to realize that I cannot erase the sins I’ve committed throughout my life with good deeds. Also, the questions I had were always unanswered—for example, life after death. I always thought that I would go to hell, and it was the fear of getting burned in hell that sometimes prevented me from sinning. This was very difficult for me. I thought that I was causing the problems I had in life, and maybe it was God punishing me. My wife had a horrible car accident, and I thought it was a way of God punishing me. I always had an unclear vision about sin until I was introduced to the Gospel by my brother and his friends in my country. After some conflicts with the government about his faith and curiosity, I had to leave my home and family. When I came to the United States, I started going to the Baptist Church of Iranians and learned more about our Savior. God described the true meaning of His love and answered all the questions that were unclear to me. Especially life after death and sin. I was able to understand God’s grace. I learned that God doesn’t punish us just because, instead, he tries to teach us the right way with his righteousness and invites us to his kingdom with love, and he leads us towards faith with Jesus Christ.

I am so blessed that I can consider myself a child of God, not just someone who fears hell. He has such a beautiful name, and we call him our Father. The father that I was looking for, for many years of my life. One other question that was answered was the life after death and what happens. Separation from my family is the hardest thing for me, and it was tough to think about leaving, but then again, Lord opened up this question and described it for me, that after death, what will happen, now I am at peace, and I have no worries about life after death. I am thrilled to be with my family with God in God’s kingdom even after this life. I am blessed that God has been working through my wife and my kids also and so glad that I have them by my side. I would love everyone in my country to get introduced to the Lord, and I would also love to raise my family and friends to the good news and help them realize the true meaning of this life and the afterlife. It is not an easy path, there will be many complications in the way to the truth, but I did not forget about his love, grace, and mercy.

Now, my family and I have been attending FBC of Cumming for almost five months. We have been growing even more in Christ ever since. I am thankful to FBC for accepting and supporting my family. FBC has fantastic ways to communicate with those in need, and they also share the Gospel of Christ with those who were once like me. They use great tools to bring people to Christ.