PreRequisite Qualifications for All FBC Adult Bible Teachers
Scripture holds high standards for those who teach the Bible. We should only take on this responsibility after prayer and fasting, affirmations from church leadership, and ample preparation. Many of the Biblical qualifications for elders, pastors and overseers are the same for Bible teachers. Consider these requirements.
“Watch your life and doctrine closely…” 1 Tim 4:16
Healthy Commitment to Christ
o You follow Jesus as evidenced by your clear salvation testimony and vibrant faith
o You are committed to studying and obeying God’s word
o You practice spiritual disciplines like prayer, worship, Bible study, fellowship, confession, giving, service and evangelism
o You live out the fruit of the spirit. You can be described as humble, faithful, and teachable. Friends and family affirm your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.
“Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” James 3:1
Healthy Commitment to the Local Church
o You have been a FBC member in good standing for at least one year
o You faithfully attend worship
o You participate in churchwide activities
o You maintain good relationships and have a visible love for people
o You pray regularly for the church and its leaders
o You desire to serve faithfully and can follow instructions
o You submit to church leaders joyfully - not out of duty - but out of love for Christ & His church
o You tithe/stretch yourself to give to the local church consistently, proportionately, sacrificially and cheerfully in a way that is faithful and obedient to God
o You understand, embrace and operate within the church’s mission & vision and can communicate it with others
Healthy Doctrinal Convictions
o You agree doctrinally with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000
o You can articulate what you believe and why on important issues and basic theological foundations
o You can agree upon essentials and distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary issues
o You communicate clearly about important theological foundations
o You do not engage in unnecessary quarreling. You seek to deliver the truth with love, boldness, clarity and kindness. You seek to win your brother, not the argument.
“Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” 1 Peter 5:1-3
Healthy Role Model
o You take this servant leadership commitment seriously as a calling from God, acknowledging that there is added accountability before God and church. Since people view you as an authority, you will keep careful watch on your life to set an example in life, faith, speech, purity and godliness both inside and outside the church. This includes areas such as:
§ sexual conduct, alcohol or substance abuse and social media use
§ speech (avoiding gossip, complaining and grumbling)
§ humility (able to be corrected)
Healthy Commitment to Missions and Evangelism
o You seek to build relationships with non-Christians
o You share your faith regularly and winsomely
o You have a heart to show and share the love of Christ with every single person
o You are willing to go across the street, out of your comfort zone or even across the world as God directs – in order to reach those who need Jesus
o You are burdened to pray regularly for specific groups or people who need Jesus
o You are seeking to live out the gospel and make it known wherever you live, work and play
“…Be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined…hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught…encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.” Titus 1:9
Healthy Motivations
o You are primarily motivated by a humble love for God and a sacrificial love for people. Unhealthy motivations should be considered, examined, confessed and surrendered.
Healthy Understanding of Expectations and What Success Looks Like in this Calling…
o You have read and agree with the Teaching Guidelines and Expectations.
If after you have read, understood and agreed with all pertaining documents and requirements, you may complete the Teacher Interest Form. Your answers will be submitted to the church’s elders and pastoral leadership for review. As a prospective teacher, you will undergo a further interview.
Prior to teaching, prospective teachers will work alongside a veteran teacher. All teachers will be observed and required to attend and complete training. All teachers will work under the supervision of the Minister of Discipleship and unto the glory of God.
You will be asked to annually review these expectations and guidelines and formalize your commitment by signing the Connect Group Teacher Covenant.